Midori unterwegs mit Werken zeitgenössischer Komponistinnen (Oktober 2019)

Vom 2. bis 8. November präsentiert Midori ein Programm nur bestehend aus Werken zeitgenössischer Komponistinnen. Gemeinsam mit der Pianistin Ieva Jokubaviciute spielt in der Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., im Le Poisson Rouge in New York und im Londoner Kings Place Werke von Olga Neuwirth, Franghiz Ali-Zadeh, Vivian Fung, Sofia Gubaidulina und eine Uraufführung von Tamar Diesendruck.

Hier können Sie eine Ankündigung zum Konzert in New York im Magazin The New Yorker lesen.

Auf ihrem Facebook-Kanal berichtet Midori über das Projekt im Allgemeinen und über die einzelnen Werke.

Über das Projekt im Allgemeinen:

Midori's own words on her upcoming project

Midori talks about how the upcoming project of presenting pieces written by female living composers came along. Five composers' works will be featured in her recitals on November 2nd (Washington, D.C.), 4th (New York) and 8th (London).

Posted by Midori on Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Über Vivian Fungs Birdsong:

Birdsong by Vivian Fung

Midori talks about Vivian Fung's "Birdsong" which will be featured in her upcoming concerts in Washington D.C., New York and London next month.

Posted by Midori on Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Über Sofia Gubaidulinas Dancer on a Tightrope:

Midori: "Dancer on a Tightrope" by Sofia Gubaidulina

Check out this video of Midori introducing Sofia Gubaidulina's "Dancer on a Tightrope," one of the pieces to be fetured in her upcoming recitals in Washington, D.C., New York and London. The recitals present works composed by five living female composers. Guibaidulina's "Dancer on a Tightrope" was comissioned by the Library of Congress in 1993.

Posted by Midori on Saturday, October 26, 2019


Über Olga Neuwirths Quasare / Pulsare:

Midori: Olga Neuwirth "Quasare/Pulsare"

In this video, Midori talks about Olga Neuwirth's "Quasare/Pulsare," one of the contemporary works featured in her upcoming recitals– how daunting it was to enounter unknown symbols on the score, and how creative and imaginative the composer utlizes the violin and the bow in the piece.

Posted by Midori on Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Über Franghiz Ali-Zadeh Habil Sayagi:

Midori: Franghiz Ali-Zadeh's "Habil Sayagi"

Check out this video in which Midori introduces Azerbaijani composer Franghiz Ali-Zadeh's "Habil Sayagi." Midori says, "Music has such incredible possibilities of exploring what ears can catch and stretches the listening capacity. When we hear and listen, it opens our minds, too.""Habil Sayagi" and four other works all by living women composers will be featured in her upcoming concerts in Washington D.C., New York and London.

Posted by Midori on Friday, November 1, 2019


Über die zwei Auftragswerke der Library of Congress in dem Programm:

Midori: Tamar Diesendruck's "Unruly Strands"

Today at the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., Midori and pianist Ieva Jokubaviciute will present five works by living women composers, including Tamar Diesendruck's "Unruly Strands" commissioned by the Library of Congress.

Posted by Midori on Saturday, November 2, 2019


Die Konzerte im Überblick:

2. November – Washington, D.C., Library of Congress
Vivian Fung: Birdsong
Sofia Gubaidulina: Dancer on a Tightrope
Olga Neuwirth: Quasare / Pulsare

Tamar Diesendruck: Unruly Strands – Uraufführung
Franghiz Ali-Zadeh: Habil-Sayagi
Ieva Jokubaviciute – Klavier

4. November – New York, Le Poisson Rouge
s. 2. November

8. November – London, Kings Place
s. 2. November

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