Midori mit ICEP in Myanmar (Januar 2014)

Midori and three young string players selected through auditions visited schools, hospitals and camps for internally displaced persons in Myanmar in December 2013 as part of the seventh annual International Community Engagement Program.

Midori is also a United Nations Messenger of Peace and there is a United Nations blog about the Myanmar visit which mentions that, „Midori’s International Community Engagement Program aims to bring classical music to disadvantaged communities, connect these communities and the musicians, and raise awareness about the challenges poorer regions face in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.“

The three young string players who joined Midori in the Myanmar ICEP quartet, Gahyon Chow (violin), William Frampton (viola) and Michael Katz (cello), blogged about their experience. You can read their blog here.

The Myanmar ICEP quartet will reunite in June 2014 for reporting events, community engagement activities and concerts in Japan.


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