Omer Meir Wellber conducts world premiere of Ella Milch-Sheriff’s opera ALMA (October 2024)

Omer Meir Wellber will conduct the new opera by composer Ella Milch-Sheriff:

ALMA, an opera about Alma Mahler-Werfel, will have its world premiere at the Volksoper Vienna on October 26.

“It has been a dream of mine for years to write an opera about Alma. I have often asked myself why she is not only fervently revered, but also passionately hated. Who was this Alma Schindler really, who wrote ‘I want to compose a really good opera’ in her diary at the age of 19? What happened that it never came to pass? I investigated all these questions together with the Israeli author Ido Ricklin, who wrote a highly exciting libretto,” says Ella Milch-Sheriff.

Ella Milch-Sheriff: Alma
Opera in five acts
Libretto by Ido Ricklin
Translation from the Hebrew by Anke Rauthmann
Commissioned by the Volksoper Vienna

Further information can also be found here:

Ella Milch-Sheriff’s new opera ALMA: world premiere on October 26  (August 2024)

Ella Milch-Sheriff’s new opera ALMA: world premiere on October 26  (August 2024)

Omer Meir Wellber will conduct the world premiere of Ella Milch-Sheriff’s new opera ALMA on October 26, 2024 at Volksoper Wien. The opera tells the story of the infamous Alma Mahler-Werfel – the woman, the composer, the muse, femme fatale and great artist.

October 26, 2024             Vienna, Volksoper              world premiere
Ella Milch-Sheriff: ALMA
Ido Ricklin – libretto
Omer Meir Wellber – conductor
Ruth Brauer-Kvam – stage direction
Ido Ricklin – Libretto

Comission of the Volksoper Wien, Intendant Lotte de Beer

Further performances on October 31, November 4, 6 and 9
(The performance on 9.11. will be conducted by Keren Kagarlitsky) 

Please find the casting list here and the synopsis of the opera here. Find further information from the publishing house Edition Peters here.


Ella Milch-Sheriff’s “The Eternal Stranger” in Boston and Zurich (January 2023)

In January, the monodrama “The Eternal Stranger” by Ella Milch-Sheriff will be performed in Boston and Zurich under the musical direction of Omer Meir Wellber and with speaker Eli Danker.

“The Eternal Stranger” was written on the occasion of Beethoven’s 250th birthday on Omer Meir Wellber’s initiative and takes as its starting point an astonishing and relatively unknown dream of Beethoven’s, which he reported to his friend and publisher Tobias Haslinger in a letter on September 10, 1821. In this dream, Beethoven travels as far as the Middle East and India and back again, finally reaching Jerusalem. There, his friend Tobias and a canon come to his mind, which he notes down in the letter. This letter inspired the Israeli playwright Joshua Sobol to write The Wanderings of the Eternal Refugee and the Struggle Against Despair, which in turn inspired Ella Milch-Sheriff’s The Eternal Stranger. The work reflects on the various facets of strangeness and asks who can be considered a stranger in the first place. The world premiere took place in Leipzig in 2020, and further performances have already taken place in Palermo, Manchester, Hamburg and Tel Aviv. More information about the work here.

With the Boston Symphony Orchestra on 5, 6 and 7 January, more information here. Other program highlights include Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto with renowned violinist Midori.

With the Tonhalle Zurich Orchestra on 12 and 13 January, more information here. In addition, Daniel Ciobanu will perform Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3.



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